Other Parenting Blogs I encourage you to check out.
Fatherhood Factor: http://fatherhoodfactor.com
“This blog was created with the intent of journaling the musings and epiphany’s of a father’s life….whether that be through product/service recommendations or the occasional rant. While the hope is that dads will be able to identify with the content, the ultimate purpose is to encourage fathers in their daily commitment to their families. This will be a place where guys can find their voice and own their role as husbands and fathers….and manly men of course (insert gorilla beating chest here). “
HeadsUp Dad: http://blog.headsupdad.com/
“HeadsUp Dad was created to tap into the power of community. To address the myriad of challenges facing the modern parent—specifically to help fathers come together to rise to the challenge of being not just kind, caring and effective partners and parents, but to become active and engaged citizens of the world and good role models for not only our own kids, but also for our communities at large. The goal with HeadsUp Dad is to reach out, touch and engage with as many fathers and families as possible, to foster a spirit of community, camaraderie and support and to empower the community with a sense of purpose and the power to affect positive change.”
Media Darlings: http://mdarlings.blogspot.com/
“Recommendations for parents (and their kids) to help navigate a media-rich world”… “I started this blog to open up a conversation with other parents and media folks to find out what connects with kids and young people; what helps them learn; what excites them; and what helps them discover who they are. They're interesting questions, at least partly because they can never really be answered; they can only be explored. As the culture shifts and evolves, media adapts to reflect and communicate those changes. It's always fascinating to me.”
DadDoes: http://www.daddoes.com
“Dad’s Do many different things. Dad Does Travel, Dad Does Sports, Dad Does Food, Dad Does Electronics, Dad Does Toys – you get the idea. Dad’s do the same things that “regular people” do, but as Dad we have slightly different priorities and concerns – we see everything we do through a “dad lens”. DadDoes is a community where Dad’s talk about life, use products and review products. And by Dad’s we really mean – Dads, Moms, Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents… basically anyone who is touched by children and now sees the world with a slightly different view.”
Dad Labs: http://www.dadlabs.com/
“America is seeing a fundamental shift in the role of men in parenting. While many in the media and academia have observed this trend, no company has emerged to meet the needs of these "New" fathers, the modern dads. Enter DadLabs, Inc., a start-up company dedicated to providing creative media content and information products to serve this new generation of "Super Dads." Headquartered in Austin, Texas, DadLabs is an information and entertainment company that fosters the father/child relationship through media, instructional and retail products. The mission of the company is to strengthen families and benefit children by empowering today's fathers.”
How To Be A Dad: http://www.howtobeadad.com
“How To Be A Dad (HTBAD) is a not so much a “how-to”, but a “how-not-to” blog for dads, moms, soon-to-be parents and even those with no plans of procreating, whatsoever. Follow bloggers Andy Herald and Charlie Capen, two sleep-deprived friends with nothing left to lose but their sanity as they learn to be dads and try to look smart doing so. They’re not experts, but that isn’t gonna stop them from pretending. You’ve been warned.”The New Parents Guide: http://www.thenewparentsguide.com/wordpress/
TheNewParentsGuide.com is your guide to parenting information, shopping and family travel.
Empowering Parents: http://www.empoweringparents.com/blog/
“So what will you discover when you read our award-winning Empowering Parents website and newsletter? You won’t find generic advice about parenting. You won’t see tons of ads for kids’ clothing and toys. And we don’t have pictures of celebrity moms going grocery shopping. But what we do have is priceless: content you can use to help turn around your child’s behavior, right away.
If you’re looking for real parenting advice that works, you’ve come to the right place.”
Telling It Like It Is: http://www.tellinitlikeitis.net/
“As the author of the multi-generational Telling It Like It Is blog, subjects include parenting children of all ages, from birth to tween/teens to parenting adult children. Blended families (aka step families), Entitlement issues, In-Law problems, Caring for Elderly Parents, Marriage, Divorce, and much more. My blog has been voted and honored as 50 Best Mom Blogs by Radical Parenting for 2008. Telling It Like It Is has received free publicity from The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times, as well as blogging awards, links and accolades from fellow writers and bloggers.”
PhD In Parenting: http://www.phdinparenting.com/
“I’m working on my proverbial PhD in Parenting. As someone who has spent a lot of years in a classroom, I learned that sometimes I need to take notes and explain things to others before I can truly master them. I spend a lot of time thinking about and reading about things that will help me to be a better parent, so I decided to start writing about it too with the hopes that more of it will sink in. Maybe my blog will help others along the way too. Perhaps someone else that is struggling with an issue will read something I wrote and take something away from it. Maybe my husband will read the book reviews since I can’t convince him to read the books. Maybe family and friends will read it and get a better understanding for why we parent the way that we do. Maybe no one will read it, in which case it will just act as my own study guide.”
Daddy Types: http://www.daddytypes.com/
“Daddy Types was conceived as a personal, partial solution to the ridiculous absence of truly dad-friendly perspectives in the baby-making and -raising world. I don't think I'm alone in noticing this gap, and I don't want to be alone in filling it.” …”This site will collect useful gear, advice, news and resources for all dads, but especially new ones. Eventually, I hope Daddy Types' influence will extend beyond dads, to improve the lot of mothers--and kids--too.”